
CashorTrade Announces Trader's Protection Escrow Service

June 17, 2019 - By Brando Rich


CASHORTRADE HQ, BURLINGTON VT. All ticket purchases on CashorTrade will now be backed by a 100% money-back guarantee! This is the biggest upgrade in the 10-year history of CashorTrade.

We feel so fortunate that our fan community already supports and trusts one another. Fraud and scalping are exceedingly rare: less than 1 in 200 ticket trades on CashorTrade even contact our support team with a question. By protecting all purchases, we now provide an even higher level of security and vastly improve the ticket trading experience on CashorTrade.

Real, Powerful Protection

We just brought CashorTrade from a Craigslist-type site with a few helpful tools to a real ticketing platform that provides meaningful protection in the form of a 100% money-back guarantee. When you buy a ticket on CashorTrade, we now hold your funds in escrow while your purchase is pending.

Paypal is a great service, but they don't speak the language of ticketing. We understand all the stuff that happens with ticket orders being split, lost in transit, etc, and we built our own support system to handle these sorts of issues with maximum efficiency. For those who have ever been through a cancelled event (Curveball, anyone?), you know what it's like to be left scrambling. Trying to track down a seller while filing a Paypal dispute is arduous. Now, when any of these things happen, CashorTrade has your back.

Faster Service

Anybody who has ever been stuck on lot trying to finish a trade knows that speed matters. By protecting transactions ourselves, our support team can help immediately, instead of waiting in line at Paypal (probably behind the guy with the latest Ebay fail).

Rewarding You For Trading at Face Value

There would be no face value movement without you. You are the ones who take the time to follow your favorite bands and spend your cash to buy tickets at pre-sale, lottery, on-sale and re-release. You are the ones who sell your tickets without profit if you can't go. We are working on a system that will reward you, so that if you sell a floor ticket to the New Years show for face value, you will be more likely to score one when you want one.

Selling and Trading Are Free, Gold Members Stay at 3%

We have worked hard to deliver a huge upgrade with no price increase. Always and forever, selling tickets on CashorTrade will be 100% free. Trading remains free. For our Gold Members buying tickets, Trader s Protection costs 3%. That's the same cost that Paypal charges our members now, and approximates our cost to facilitate the trade.

A Big Upgrade For Free Members: Alerts!

Free members can go Gold anytime to access the 3% price, or stay on as a Free Member and pay 10%. Coming in the next month is a big upgrade for Free Members: text and email alerts! Like our Gold Members always have done, Free Members will get notified when a ticket they re looking for comes available. Gold Members will continue to get a 10-minute head start messaging sellers.

Industry Disrupting Prices

How does Trader s Protection compare with the big guys

in the secondary ticket market? Well, their prices vary from site to site and ticket to ticket, but we did a comparison across platforms for reselling Hamilton tickets and found that sellers are charged 8%-15% and buyers a whopping 20%-30%. That s right by the time they re done hitting up both parties for a hot ticket, the scalping platforms take 28%-45% on top of the already-inflated ticket price! By coming in at a small fraction of these fees, CashorTrade continues to prove that the Face Value Movement is the change that this industry so badly needs.

Tell Us What You Think!

If we ve learned one thing in the last decade, it s that we are all equally part of the Face Value Movement. Your feedback and participation is invaluable. We have worked so hard to make Trader s Protection the best it can be for our members. How we can make it better is by hearing from you. Hit us up at and thank you so much for your commitment to #embracetheface.

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