Alkaline Water vs. Distilled Water: What's the Difference?

February 21, 2023 4 min read

Alkaline Water vs. Distilled Water: What's the Difference?

Unlike in the past, most Americans today are conscious about their water intake. Statistics show that water consumption countrywide reached an all-time high of 2 billion gallons within the last year.

While this is great since water improves health, many people still need help understanding the different types of water and their benefits. This time, the hot debate among consumers in the market is whether alkaline water is better than distilled water or vice versa.

In this post, we break down alkaline water and distilled water to find out their differences and benefits so you can choose the best one for you.

What is the Difference Between Alkaline Water and Distilled Water?

The most significant difference between alkaline and distilled water is their purification process. Alkaline water undergoes a purification process in which an alkaline filter increases the overall PH level.

On the other hand, distilled water goes through the distillation process, where the water boils, vapor condenses, and it turns back into water.

While both processes purify the water, distillation strips the essential minerals of the water, reducing the total dissolved solids (TDS) content, while alkaline filtered water has an elevated pH and retains all vital minerals, increasing TDS.

Examples of the crucial minerals retained in alkaline water include potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These compensate for what is lacking in food to protect the body against mineral deficiency.

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water and Distilled Water?

Alkaline water passes through a filter that increases its PH to about 8 or 9, which better neutralizes the body's acidity than regular water with a PH of 7.

As a result, staying hydrated with alkaline water can help support human and pet health.

On the other hand, distilled water is excellent for non-drinking purposes, such as fish tanks, plant watering, chemistry experiments, and other situations where the absolute chemical purity of H2O is essential. It can also be a great alternative to coffee, caffeinated products, and sugary drinks for some consumers.

Can Purified Water be Alkalized?

Yes, distilled water can be alkalized so that it becomes less acidic but the essential minerals will still remain absent after. However, it's still better than drinking flat out distilled water than not hydrating at all.

The most effective way to enjoy alkaline water is with an alkalizing filter such as the Seychelle Alkaline Filter Bottle. This bottle increases water PH levels to up to 9.5, bringing balance and stability to the body.

What are the Health Benefits of Alkaline Water?

As mentioned earlier, drinking alkaline water has several health benefits for the body. None of these benefits have been confirmed as scientifically accurate, but early studies show promising signs. They include:

It May Prevent Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is when the food that has already settled in the stomach comes back up to the esophagus. When it occurs frequently, it's painful, uncomfortable, and could lead to other diseases such as ulcers and esophagus cancer.

Alkaline water can help in denaturing or deactivating pepsin – the stomach enzyme responsible for causing acid reflux. Alkalized water also acts as an acid-base to help neutralize too much hydrochloric acid in the body.

It May Reduce Blood Viscosity

Blood viscosity measures the efficiency of blood flow through the blood vessels. According to a 2016 study, drinking water with a high PH reduces blood viscosity by 6.3% compared to 3.36% with normal purified water. As a result, blood flows faster and oxygen is transported better.

It May Promote Better Stool Production

2018 study in Japan revealed that alkalized water could help improve the quality of stool produced. Out of all the participants, the majority of those who took alkaline electrolyzed water had better stools than those who didn't.

Again, these are all early-stage research without sufficient evidence backing them. 

Does Lower TDS Mean Healthier?

No. TDS cannot be used to discern between harmful contaminants and healthy minerals in the water. This is because TDS essentially refers to all dissolved materials in water, including organic and inorganic materials such as salts, metals, ions, and minerals. As such, measuring TDS on its own is not a dependable tool for determining water quality for drinking.

Alkaline Water vs. Distilled Water: The Verdict

There's a difference between alkaline water and distilled water that originates from their purification processes. Alkaline water goes through an alkaline filter that increases the water's PH and retains essential minerals, while distilled water is purified but deprived of all nutrients.

Both have their benefits and drawbacks too. Alkaline water balances body PH to avoid high acidity and has multiple claimed health benefits. However, it can only be used for non-drinking purposes. Distilled water, on the other hand, lacks minerals, but it's useful for a wide range of non-drinking uses, like in fish tanks.

Ultimately, it's up to you to determine how you want to use the water before using it. Alkaline water is best for drinking only, while distilled water can be useful in other non-drinking services. Learn more about our Seychelle Alkaline Filter.

FAQs on Alkaline vs. Distilled Water

Can you Alkalize Water at Home?

Yes, you can alkalize distilled water or any other water at home using an alkaline filter such as the Seychelle Alkaline Water Filter Bottle. It's simple, fast, and efficient.

Is TDS a Good Measure of Water Quality?

The total dissolved solid (TDS) content mostly measures mineral content, so it is not a good measure of which water is best for drinking.